
Data protection

Privacy statement

Website privacy statement and information of data subjects pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

General information

Details of the controller

Company: 3D Service GmbH

Legal representative:  Michael Fischer

Address: Am Lindenbrunnen 5, 97846 Partenstein, Germany

Contact data of the data protection officer: IITR Datenschutz GmbH, Marienplatz 2, 80331 München, Germany

General information on data processing

Concerned data:

Personal data will only be collected when you provide them to us of your own accord. Beyond that, no other personal data will be collected. Your personal data will only be processed beyond the scope of the legally permitted circumstances on the basis of your explicit consent.

Processing purpose:            Performing the contract

Categories of recipients:    Public bodies if there are priority legal regulations

                                                     External service providers and other contractors

                                                     Further external bodies if the concerned parties have given their consent or if a transmission is admissible because of an overriding legitimate interest

Third country transfers:     In the context of carrying out the contract, processors outside the European Union might also become active.

Period of data storage:       For how long the data will be stored depends on the legal obligations to preserve business documents and is usually ten (10) years.

Specific information concerning this website:

Use of Google Analytics

The website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, i.e. text files saved on your computer that allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information about your use of this website created by the cookies is usually transmitted to a Google server in the United States and will be saved there. In case the IP anonymisation on this website is activated, your IP address will be abbreviated beforehand by Google within the member states of the European Union and other member states of the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the US to be abbreviated there. Google will use this information in the name of the website owner to analyse your use of the website, to draw up reports about the website activities and to perform other services for the owner of the website regarding the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted by your browser in connection with Google Analytics, will not be combined with other Google data. You can prevent cookies by the respective setting in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that you will not be able to use all the functions of this website in that case. Furthermore, you can prevent the data created by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to be sent to Google and to be processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: XXXX. In view of the discussion about the use of analysis tools with complete IP addresses, we would like to point out that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizeIp()”, therefore IP addresses are only processed in an abbreviated form in order to rule out any possibility of assigning them to any specific person.

Google AdWords Conversion Tracking

The website uses Google AdWords Conversion Tracking, a web analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google AdWords Conversion Tracking also uses so-called “cookies” that will be saved on your computer that allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information created by the cookie about your use of this website is transmitted to a Google server in the United States and will be saved there. Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to draw up reports about the website activities for the website operators and to perform other services in the context of the use of the website and the Internet. Google might also transfer this information to third parties if this is mandatory or if third parties process these data on behalf of Google. In no case will Google connect the data with other data from Google. You can prevent the use of cookies in general by forbidding your browser to save cookies.

Facebook Like Button

This website uses Social Plug-ins by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (in the following referred to as “Facebook”). When you call up pages that contain such a plug-in, data about your visiting behaviour will automatically be transmitted to the Facebook servers. The operator of the website has no influence on the kind and scope of the data collected and transmitted to Facebook. If you are logged on Facebook, Facebook can allocate the visit to your Facebook account. For further information concerning data protection, please go to:



Information on further data processing procedures

Specific information concerning the application process

Concerned data:                    Application data

Processing purpose:            Carrying out the recruiting process

Categories of recipients:    Public bodies if there are priority legal regulations

                                                     External service providers and other contractors

                                                     Further external bodies if the concerned parties have given their consent or if a transmission is admissible because of an overriding legitimate interest.

Third country transfers:     In the context of carrying out the contract, processors outside the European Union might also become active.

Period of data storage:       Application data are usually deleted within four months after we informed you about the decision, unless you gave your consent to a longer storage of the data.

Specific information on the processing of (potential) customer data

Concerned data:                    Data provided for carrying out the contract; any data beyond that to be processed on the basis of your explicit consent

Processing purpose:            Performing the contract

Categories of recipients:    Public bodies if there are priority legal regulations

                                                     External service providers and other contractors

                                                     Further external bodies if the concerned parties have given their consent or if a transmission is admissible because of an overriding legitimate interest

Third country transfers:     In the context of carrying out the contract, processors outside the European Union might also become active.

Period of data storage:       For how long the data will be stored depends on the legal obligations to preserve business documents and is usually ten (10) years.

Specific information on the processing of personnel data

Concerned data:                    Data provided for carrying out the contract; any data beyond that to be processed on the basis of your explicit consent

Processing purpose:            Performing the contract

Categories of recipients:    Public bodies if there are priority legal regulations

                                                     External service providers and other contractors

                                                     Further external bodies if the concerned parties have given their consent or if a transmission is admissible because of an overriding legitimate interest

Third country transfers:     In the context of carrying out the contract, processors outside the European Union might also become active.

Period of data storage:       For how long the data will be stored depends on the legal obligations to preserve business documents and is usually ten (10) years.

Specific information on the processing of supplier data

Concerned data:                    Data provided for carrying out the contract; any data beyond that to be processed on the basis of your explicit consent

Processing purpose:            Performing the contract

Categories of recipients:    Public bodies if there are priority legal regulations

                                                     External service providers and other contractors

                                                     Further external bodies if the concerned parties have given their consent or if a transmission is admissible because of an overriding legitimate interest

Third country transfers:     In the context of carrying out the contract, processors outside the European Union might also become active.

Period of data storage:       For how long the data will be stored depends on the legal obligations to preserve business documents and is usually ten (10) years.

Further information and contacts

In addition to the above, you can make claims for information, correction, deletion, or restriction of the processing of your data or can use your right of objection against the processing and the right of data portability. Here is the information how to contact us per e-mail or letter. Furthermore, you have the right to contact the data protection supervisory authority.