Legal notice
3D Service GmbH
Am Lindenbrunnen 5
D-97846 Partenstein
Tel.: +49 (0) 9355 - 970587-2
Fax: +49 (0) 9355 - 970587-3
E-mail: fischer@3d-service.com
Internet: www.3d-service.com
Managing director: Michael Fischer
Court of the Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Würzburg
Registration number: HRB 8827
All the names, expressions, characters; and graphics used here might be trademarks or intellectual property. The rights in all the trademarks mentioned and used lie solely with their owners.
Disclaimer - legal notice
- Limitation of liability
The content of this website has been compiled with utmost care. However, the Supplier does not assume any guarantee for the correctness, completeness. and immediacy of the contents provided. The use of the contents of this website is at the user’s own risk. Articles signed by name represent the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the Supplier. The pure use of the Supplier’s website does not establish any legal relationship between the user and the Supplier.
- External links
This website contains links to third party websites (external links). These websites are subject to the liability of the respective website operator. Before first integrating these external links, the Supplier checked the contents for possible violations of the law. At that point in time, there were no violations of the law. The Supplier has no influence whatsoever on the present and future design and contents of the linked websites. The fact that the Supplier set external links does not mean that the Supplier adopts the contents of the respective link as his own. It cannot be expected of the Supplier to permanently check these external links for concrete indications of any violations of the law. Should the Supplier, however, gain knowledge of any violations of the law, the respective links will immediately be deleted.
- Intellectual property and copyright
The contents published on this website are governed by German laws on intellectual property and copyright. Any use or exploitation not permitted by the German laws on intellectual property and copyright require a previous written consent from the Supplier or the holder of the respective rights. This includes, but is not limited to copying, editing, translating, saving, processing, or reproducing contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. Any contents and rights of third parties are flagged as such. The unauthorised reproduction or disclosure of individual contents or of entire pages is not permitted and is liable to prosecution. Merely the production of copies and downloads for personal, private, and non-commercial use is permitted.
The reproduction of this website in somebody else’s frames is only allowed with a written permission.
- Data protection
When visiting the Supplier’s website, certain information about the access (date, time, page visited) might be recorded. These data do not count among personal data, but they are anonymised. They are merely evaluated for statistical purposes. They are not disclosed to any third parties for any commercial or non-commercial purposes.
The Supplier explicitly points out that data transmission on the Internet (e.g. during e-mail communication) can present security gaps and cannot be entirely protected against access from third parties.
It is explicitly unwanted that the contact data in the legal notice be used for commercial advertising purposes, unless the Supplier has given his written consent beforehand, or business relations have already been established. The Supplier and all persons mentioned on the website hereby contradict any commercial use and disclosure of their data.
Source: Disclaimer by www.Juraforum.de – Rechtportal; translation by www.lindner-partholl.de